Initiation into the complete practice of TONGLEN MEDITATION

Initiation into the complete practice of

Tonglen meditation

online recorded workshop

with Nicolae Catrina

The Tibetan practice of Tonglen is an ancient Vajrayana Tantra meditation that can transform and alchemize both our personal and collective grief and suffering by awakening the love and compassion that are inherent in all beings. A once-secret spiritual treasure, the Tonglen meditation is now a practice accessible to all.

This is a profound transformational and awakening process our world now urgently needs because it develops and cultivates love, kindness and compassion, both for ourselves and for others, and gradually reveals our blissful, essential nature.

Combining breath, awareness, and an energetic transformation process, this special meditation opens very rapidly our spiritual Heart, so we can blossom into who we truly are and share our unique gifts and presence with the entire world. It strengthens our love for ourselves, for those close to us, and for each and every living being.

Traditionally, the complete Tonglen meditation has eight steps, but the practice is highly adaptable and can be easily reduced to its essential elements without losing at all its extraordinary beneficent power of transforming suffering into love, compassion, kindness, happiness. It is such an accessible and adaptable method to alchemize and transmute suffering – our own and others’ – that it can be done at almost any time: in solitude, in a couple, in a group of friends or even during one’s daily commute.

Moreover, the practice of Tonglen involves and cultivates all the ‘perfections’ known also in the Tibetan tradition as ‘the practices of a Bodhisattva’: selfless giving, high morality, exemplary patience, enthusiastic effort, perfect concentration, true wisdom etc.

Tonglen meditation addresses to all those who:

  • feel the impulse of helping the ones in need
  • wish to develop and expand loving-kindness and the state of spiritual perfection
  • wish to become more empathic and open-hearted
  • feel they cannot cope with suffering and difficult situations, or feel helpless at times when faced with hardship
  • wish to overcome the constrictive barriers of egotism and selfish attachments and develop altruism
  • wish to develop a higher, spiritual perspective on life’s events
  • aspire to deepen the communion with God
  • wish to transform and purify their Karma This highly effective practice offers us the possibility of an almost instantaneous leap from the personal level to a universal, godly perspective on various life situations, from selfishness to empathy and compassion, from suffering to universal wisdom.

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