International Kashmir Shaivism Retreat – 24-28 May 2023


24th – 28th May 2023 – Online live

The second replay session based on the recordings (only in English) – 20th – 23rd July

with Nicolae Catrina (Adinathananda)

In this retreat – which will be more interactive than the previous ones – there will be offered new initiations and esoteric methods for accelerated spiritual awakening from the Kashmir Shaivism tradition, such as: 

further initiation into the esotericism of SHIVA-BHAIRAVA; 

❖ SHAIVA TANTRA and KAULA TANTRA secret practices for spiritual enlightenment, erotic ecstasy, karmic purification, healing, awakening and developing the condition of ideal Tantric femininity (the state of a superior SHAKTI) and the ideal Tantric masculinity (the state of a VIRA) etc.; 

❖ many other important spiritual revelations, which will be presented in an accessible and practical way.


(This initiation will be offered shortly afterwards, at certain dates that will be announced in due time, by some of our Kashmir Shaivism teachers from Romania and other European countries; the mantra is different from the one which was given at the Shaivism course. This is the only event in which all attendees will receive the mantra. During the events that follow the offering of this initiation will be based on drawing lots).

The tradition of Kashmir Shaivism is considered to be the most elevated, exquisite and pure form of Tantra, offering both a particularly complex metaphysics and some of the most direct, fast, complete, and extraordinary methods of spiritual accomplishment. The unique theoretical and practical framework of this spiritual retreat will give to all participants the possibility of easily stepping into superior, ecstatic states of consciousness, as well as accessing authentic forms of spiritual enlightenment.

❖ Simultaneous translation in Romanian is available if requested by our attendees only during the live sessions.

❖ The recordings will be available only in English.

Tuition fee : 200 eu

The participation fee is not refundable unless the event is canceled!

Do you wish to subscribe? Complete the form below and attach the proof of payment.

Subscription form: click here.

❖ In two-three working days after the subscription and the payment are confirmed you will receive a welcome email from us. Please search for it in your inbox as well as the spam box. If you don’t find it anywhere let us know as soon as possible.

Make the payment via credit/debit card

❖ For those who joined the live event the recordings are available at an extra cost of 9€/session.

I joined the live event and I wish to access some or all the recordings

Make the payment via credit/debit card:


On the checkout page please complete in the Order Notes field the days and the session number (example: Day2/Session1, D2/S2…)

The schedule of the live online retreat

Wednesday, 24th May

18:30 – 21:30 CEST

Thursday, 25th May

14:00 – 16:30 CEST, 17:30 – 19:30 CEST, 20:00 – 21:30 CEST

Friday, 26th May

14:00 – 16:30 CEST, 17:30 – 19:30 CEST, 20:00 – 21:30 CEST

Saturday, 27th May

11:00 – 13:30 CEST, 16:00 – 18:30 CEST, 20:00 – 21:30 CEST

Sunday, 28th May

11:00 – 13:30 CEST, 16:00 – 18:30 CEST

❖ For more information please contact us: (we will respond as soon as possible from Monday to Friday).

❖ By registering for this event you agree to the Terms and Conditions.

Thank you!

Nicolae Catrina is the founder of the only practical Kashmir Shaivism course outside India, which was born 25 years ago and offers in a unique way, adapted to the western mindframe, the richness and depth of this spiritual tradition. He created several other courses (such as Tantric Alchemy, Enneagram, Esoteric I Ching, Yoga of Beauty, so on). He is the author of numerous books on Kashmir Shaivism, Yoga, Tantra, Spiritual Art etc.

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